South Downs Veterinary Consultancy provides Veterinary services, to registered clients, for Gamebirds, and (by referral only) also to Backyard Poultry and Waterfowl in the South Downs area

Our Gamebird client base ranges from small private shoots to large scale commercial enterprises, encompassing the whole rearing cycle. Most clients join us on a contracted basis, appreciating the benefits of a service tailored to the individual needs of the enterprise, as well as the wide range of benefits we offer as a result.

For more information on our services and details of how to subscribe to the practice contact the practice principal 

Dr Mark Elliott BVSc VetFFHom MRCVS FIPsiMed DSH PCH RSHom

South Downs Veterinary Consultancy is based at: Head Office and for all Correspondence: 1 Kings Meadow, Hambrook, Chichester, West Sussex PO18 8YA

South Downs Veterinary Consultancy is a trade member of the Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust, The National Gamekeepers Organisation and the Game Farmer’s Association, and is a founding member of the TRUSTED GAME Health and Welfare Scheme

Note: Any advice or information on this website is provided in good faith, and the author cannot be held responsible for the use of any information, or the application of any of the recommendations contained herein unless the patient is under his direct care. Any information on this site is not meant to supplant any care you might obtain from your own veterinary surgeon. If you have any reason to be concerned about your animal’s well being, please consult your primary care veterinary surgeon

South Downs Veterinary Consultancy Ltd

Registered Office: Smithe & Co Ltd, Chichester Enterprise Centre, Terminus Rd, W.Sx. PO19 8FY Company No: 11263187